NeoGraft® FUE in DuBois, PA

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What Is FUE?

FUE stands for "follicular unit extraction," a surgical treatment aimed at slowing or stopping hair loss. FUE is sometimes recommended for patients who have had limited success with nonsurgical approaches for hair restoration. At DuBois Hair Restoration in DuBois, PA, we perform FUE using NeoGraft, a revolutionary system that requires less downtime and carries less risk of follicle damage compared to some traditional hair transplant surgeries. By using NeoGraft to extract and implant healthy follicles into the scalp, Dr. Jonathan Cannella can help you attain thicker, healthier hair. Learn more about NeoGraft FUE hair restoration by scheduling a consultation at our office.

How Does NeoGraft FUE Work?

Before your treatment, Dr. Cannella will meet with you for a consultation to discuss how many grafts will be needed and where they should go to achieve the results you want. On the day of your procedure, we will begin by applying an anesthetic to the scalp to numb any sensations you feel. The advantage of NeoGraft at our DuBois, PA hair clinic is that it can extract donor hair using pneumatic pressure to reduce potential damage to the follicles. The hair is then implanted into thinning or bald areas on your scalp.

You should have little to no downtime following your NeoGraft FUE treatment at DuBois Hair Restoration with most of our patients able to return to their routine within a few days. Several weeks after the procedure, the transplanted follicles will transition to the resting phase of hair development. This typically lasts for 3 – 4 months while the hair sheds. This is expected, and the transplants will go back into the growing stage as new hair sprouts. It should take approximately 12 – 18 months for your final results to be visible. To keep your new results, you may talk to Dr. Cannella about employing nonsurgical remedies, such as topical medications and PRP therapy.

I cannot say enough about how kind and personable Dr. Labrasca is. Amazingly skilled professional- has made sure all my concerns and questions were answered and met. For the first time in my life, he has made me be able to feel confident in my skin. I am so thankful he performed my surgery and would recommend him and his amazing staff to everyone.

J.L. Healthgrades

He’s a very good surgeon , the staff is great ,the office is very clean .I would definitely refer others to him . He’s super nice and very professional .

M.H. Healthgrades

Dr. labrasca takes the time to explain and really cares about what the patient wants. He is doing my breast reconstruction after a mastectomy. He and his staff makes me feel like they care. I would not go to another plastic surgeon.

M. Healthgrades


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A Minimally Invasive Solution for Hair Transplants

While hair loss is a common problem, it is no less devastating for individuals as they watch their full head of hair get thinner. If you are interested in a long-term hair restoration solution, schedule a consultation with Dr. Cannella at our office in DuBois, PA to find out more about NeoGraft FUE. This advanced FUE transplant surgery at DuBois Hair Restoration can help you enjoy fuller, thicker hair.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.